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Women's experiences of the transition to motherhood and self-compassion

20 September 2024
Volume 1 · Issue 1


Health visitors have a pivotal role in supporting women in their transition to motherhood, equipping them with the necessary skills and knowledge to help them cope and thrive. This review was conducted to appraise the current literature around the role of self-compassion in the transition to motherhood and women's experiences of this, as well as the effectiveness of self-compassion on women's psychological wellbeing in this transition. Databases were searched against an inclusion criterion and 11 studies were selected for review. Review findings give insights into how self-compassion practices can aid the transition to motherhood by mitigating psychological challenges and promoting maternal wellbeing and mother–infant bonding. Self-compassion training opportunities should be provided to health visitors and other health professionals working with women from pregnancy, to competently deliver and facilitate such interventions.

The World Health Organization (WHO, 2023) reports that around 13% of postnatal women experience a mental health disorder. In the UK, the Royal College of Midwives (2022) suggests that one in five women experience a mental health problem in the perinatal period.

The transition to motherhood can have a significant impact on women's psychological wellbeing (Meeussen and Van Laar, 2018; Lévesque et al, 2020; Hwang et al, 2022). Despite the postpartum period being characterised as a joyful and happy time, it often involves challenges and life adjustments (Corrigan et al, 2015), including adapting to a new identity and reconstruction of ‘self’ (Meeussen and Van Laar, 2018; Hennekam et al, 2019; Hwang et al, 2022).

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