This website is intended for healthcare professionals


The role of the school nurse in tackling serious youth violence: an analysis of healthcare provision

Primary prevention is at the core of public health and the school nursing service, with school nurses having expertise in preventative health care (Royal College of Nursing, 2020). The ‘Healthy Child...

Exposure of children to television food advertisements: an observational analysis

‘Television advertisements provide an effective medium for food companies to target children and influence their food choices…Multiple systematic reviews have shown that child exposure to television...

Assessment of preschool children's sleep habits in relation to the time spent watching television

The main aims were to assess preschool children's TV viewing habits and sleep habits, as well as the way the time spent watching TV affects children's sleep patterns..

Enhancing mental health literacy in schools through staff training: An integrative review

According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, 2020) in the United States, 9.4% of children aged 2–17 years have been diagnosed with ADHD. Among children aged 3–17 years, 7.4% have...

Using narrative messages to improve parents' experience of learning that a child has overweight

This work provides insight into a novel application of health communication theory, by investigating the acceptability and feasibility of using narrative messages to enhance parents' responses to NCMP...

FIT: A community-engaged approach to health and physical education

‘…the development and mastery of selected physical abilities early in life are prerequisites for continued participation in moderate to vigorous physical activity…’ .

Basic life support training in schools: Reflecting on students' and teachers' perspectives in Portugal

‘Cardiac-respiratory arrests secondary to a cardiovascular event are still common and […] the implementation of BLS manoeuvres as quickly as possible followed by ADE are fundamental to increase...

Young people's experiences of an anti-bullying Drama in Education workshop six months' post-participation

Forum theatre defined by Boal (2000) is a platform which enables people to change their perceptions and view of the world. Boal (2000) suggests that observation of a piece of theatre enables the...

Teachers' role perception and opinions on the partnership between schools and parents for asthma control in Osun State, Nigeria

‘Important goals of childhood asthma management are to ensure good symptom control, to avoid the limitation of physical activities by the disease, to ensure good partnerships between health-care...

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