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Professional perspectives on dietary practices and nutrition from pre-conception to birth: An exploratory study

02 May 2024
Volume 12 | Journal of Family Health · Issue 4


The foundations for child health begin in pregnancy and pre-conception; however, little is known about how health professionals advise prospective parents regarding nutritional needs. The aim of this study was to understand the facilitators and barriers to healthy food and diet practices during pre-conception and pregnancy; how the barrier(s) to healthy diets can be addressed; and the changes required to facilitate good food practices. Three focus groups and four interviews were conducted with 12 UK professional representatives working in health or dietary/nutrition contexts. Participants reported that expectant parents need to understand what healthy eating means and that health and allied health professionals require more nutrition-related education to maximise health promotion opportunities. There is a need for consistent, engaging and culturally appropriate dietary information, as well as access to professionals who can give generic and tailored advice.

The need for good nutrition begins at the pre-conception stage and should continue throughout the life course. What happens during the early years of life (from pre-conception to 4–5 years) influences physical, cognitive and emotional development in childhood, and can set the trajectory for health and wellbeing outcomes in later life – and one of the fundamental factors is diet (Public Health England (PHE), 2018; Obesity Health Alliance (OHA), 2021).

Studies focusing on adherence to dietary guidelines among men and women during pre-conception and in pregnant women suggest nutritional recommendations are not being met (Caut et al, 2020), particularly among those from lower-income groups. Poor maternal diets may affect babies in several ways; for example, inadequate food intake, low maternal weight, and micronutrient deficiency (especially of folate) are linked to low birth weight (Chief Medical Officer, 2015). Folic acid supplementation can significantly reduce the risk of neural tube defects such as spina bifida, but there is lower uptake in those from deprived areas (PHE, 2019a). Poor diets and obesity are risk factors in those from lower incomes (along with substance misuse, mental health problems and smoking) and are associated with poorer pregnancy outcomes and the development of lifelong diseases (PHE, 2019a).

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