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What does leadership mean to specialist community public health nurses?

02 March 2024
Volume 12 | Journal of Family Health · Issue 2


Using the results of a survey of practice educators and assessors at a higher education institute, this article discusses leadership styles in the context of specialist community public health nursing

Specialist community public health nurses (SCPHNs) provide support and role models for care, and teach the next generation of colleagues. This article will discuss different leadership styles; namely, compassionate and authentic, and their relationship with SCPHNs.

The discussion derives from the results of an anonymous evaluation used during a higher education institute (HEI) teaching session for SCPHN practice educators and practice assessors. The findings illustrate honest and important views of experienced SCPHNs who are supporting students in clinical practice. The SCPHN cohort of responders comprised 26 health visitors (HVs), school health nurses and district nurses with varying degrees of postgraduate and professional experience.

Mentimeter is an online interactive presentation tool allows presenters to engage their audience through live interactive features (Mohin et al, 2022). It can be used to gather real-time feedback and encourage active participation. Participants can access the tool through their devices and respond to questions or vote on various topics, which can be displayed instantly on the presenter's screen. It is often used to enhance engagement, collect data, and foster collaboration in both educational and professional settings (Mayhew et al, 2020). As all responses are anonymous, this should encourage open and honest discussion, resulting in richer qualitative data.

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