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The role of moral disengagement and lack of empathy in cyberbullying: How school nurses can respond

20 September 2024
Volume 1 · Issue 1


Cyberbullying offers no escape for its victims and provides little opportunity for children and young people (CYP) to defend themselves. Many interventions relating to all forms of bullying focus primarily on victims and the negative effects that it causes toward their emotional health. There is a requirement, however, for school nurses (SNs) to develop an understanding of the differing roles CYP may adopt in the bullying process, in order for universal preventative interventions to be developed, in collaboration with schools and specialist agencies, which target all children. This article explores the risk factors associated with cyberbullying (e.g. moral disengagement and lack of empathy), both as a victim and perpetrator, and protective factors which could aid in the development of preventative intervention strategies for school nurses.

Millions of young people across the UK have successfully integrated digital technology into their everyday lives, allowing them to express themselves and socialise in fun and exciting ways. The fact that they are constantly digitally connected, however, means that they are more susceptible than ever to persistent victimisation (Internet Safety Statistics, 2024). No legal definition exists for bullying in the UK; however, it can be defined as behaviour that is repeated and intended to hurt someone either physically or emotionally (Byrne et al, 2018). Cyberbullying can be further described as the use of information technology to bully a person by posting or sending images or text, of an intimidating or threatening nature (Peck et al, 2023).

An estimated 847 000 CYP between the ages of 10 and 15 in England experienced online bullying in the year ending March 2023 (Office for National Statistics [ONS], 2024), with just over 1 in 10 of them admitting to being called names, swore at or insulted via some form of online media, and the prevalence of cyberbullying was significantly higher for females than males.

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