
02 October 2021
Volume 2 | British Journal of Child health · Issue 5

Worrying levels of loneliness and sleep problems as well as the rising incidence of eating disorders are feeding a wellbeing crisis that has left an estimated one in six young people with a probable mental health disorder.

The latest NHS mental health survey research has identified a sharp rise in eating disorders as well as links between mental health and things like poverty, social media, and school absence.

The latest findings (NHS, 2021) show that 17% (roughly one in six) children aged six to 16 in England have a probable mental health disorder.

This is a similar rate to last year's survey findings, but an increase from 2017 when the figure was 12% – or roughly one in nine. It is a similar picture for 17 to 19-year-olds. In both 2021 and 2020 the research shows that 17% – or one in six – had a probable mental health disorder. This is up from 10% (one in 10) in 2017.

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