Almost a quarter of pupils report being frequently bullied with those with SEND or living in poverty at increased risk.
Research involving more than 44 000 children and young people has been published by the Anti-Bullying Alliance (ABA) to mark Anti-Bullying Week 2024, which took place earlier this month.
The study was carried out between May and September 2023 and asked children and young people aged 5 to 18 years about their experiences of bullying.
Of the respondents, 72% said they had experienced some form of bullying, while 23% said they were frequently being bullied, rising to 29% for pupils with SEND and those in receipt of free school meals.
The research found that 23% of the respondents had experienced some form of cyber-bullying, with 6% saying they were being frequently cyber-bullied.
The findings also revealed that 37% of the respondents admitted to having bullied others, with 7% admitting that they frequently bully others, while 2% admitted to frequently cyber-bullying others.
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