In 2016, a team led by the University of Roehampton, with the National Children's Bureau, the universities of Manchester and Sheffield, the London School of Economics, Metanoia Institute (London), and...
‘Today made sense. I might have something to offer nursing, after all.’ .
‘…brain tumours are, in fact, the biggest cancer killer of children and adults under 40 in the UK. Around 500 children and young people are diagnosed with a primary brain tumour each year, and,...
…the overriding message [is] that it is never too young to start talking about online safety.’ .
O'Neil (2008) considered gender role conflict as problems that result from adherence to ‘rigid, sexist, or restrictive gender roles, learned during socialisation, that result in personal...
‘Typically, consultations do not address young people's feelings, mental health, or the challenges that IBD symptoms can create for sustaining friendships and connectedness. … our study reveals the...
Childhood Bereavement Network: Growing in Grief Awareness:
‘Eating well in childhood is the very foundation stone of equality of opportunity and is essential for both physical and mental growth …’ .
‘I was adopted at the age of 4 years and that was when my caring role began, I cared for my mum who had a stroke (she was paralysed down her left side) a few years before my parents adopted me.’ .
‘… learners [with SEND] may be more vulnerable to abuse or exploitation, and may need more coverage of social, emotional, and mental health topics.’ .
‘…researchers undertook a systematic review and meta-analysis of more than 6 000 international studies, to understand how susceptible children are to catching COVID-19 and whether they pass it on to...
‘Much uncertainty lies ahead, and we are pleased that so many schools are using this time to think about their anti-bullying work and ensure staff are able to meet the needs of all their pupils.’ .
British Journal of Child Health provides clinical resources for children’s health and wellbeing. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge to meet the public health needs of young people.
Evidence-based best practice
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