This website is intended for healthcare professionals


Poverty could be behind rise in infant and child mortality rates

‘The data now shows that infants and children living in deprived areas are more than twice as likely to die than those in less deprived areas.’ .

Improving the health of ethnically diverse children and young people in minority groups

Sara is 15 and pregnant. The father of her child left to go back to his home country early in the pregnancy. Sara is now 28 weeks pregnant and still at school. She is struggling because of her...

Meeting the safeguarding needs of all children and young people

‘Boarding away from home, brings its own challenges and many pupils in independent schools are bursary, charity or local authority funded and often have had upbringings in areas of high...

Obesity: Latest NCMP data shows strong link with deprivation

…13.6% of reception-aged children in areas of social deprivation were obese, compared with 6.2% in the least deprived areas. When it came to ‘severe obesity’ the figures were 4.5% and 1.3%...

Body image: Advice for supporting pupils

‘…the committee has also rightly highlighted the mounting pressure for children and young people to conform to unrealistic body ideals, which is in part due to social media and online content.’ .

HPV immunisation: Moving toward a single dose?

‘The JCVI's report said that the single-dose schedule “breaks the dogma that a prime and a booster is required for this type of vaccine". It said that the papillomavirus had not evolved to evade...

Hepatitis: Increase in paediatric cases still under investigation

‘We continue to remind everyone to be alert to the signs of hepatitis, particularly jaundice – look for a yellow tinge in the whites of the eyes and contact your doctor if you are concerned.’ .

Supporting pupils who have lost someone during the pandemic

‘No headlines, no awareness and once again children and young people's grief and experiences were quietly ignored.’ .

Long COVID: new guide to recognition, support, and recovery

‘We may not yet have the understanding we want or the written evidence policymakers seek, but these children do not have the time to wait for answers. This is their childhood. They only get one and...

Diabetes: new guidance supports wider access to glucose monitoring technology

‘Many people find finger-prick testing to be painful and time consuming and the introduction of technology for all people living with type 1 diabetes will reduce this considerably.’ .

ACE awareness in school nursing – becoming a trauma-informed service

‘When I first joined the school health service 7 years ago, I quickly understood that there was a link between domestic abuse, parental substance misuse and parental mental health, and the...

Asthma: Disadvantaged children at greater risk of the condition persisting into adulthood

‘Children with asthma who spent the early years of their life living in a social disadvantaged environment, have a greatly increased risk of the condition persisting into adulthood…’ .

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British Journal of Child Health provides clinical resources for children’s health and wellbeing. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge to meet the public health needs of young people.

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  • Focus on mental health and special needs

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