This website is intended for healthcare professionals

Sharon White


Safeguarding the safeguarders: Improving access to supervision

‘…school nurses are being asked to ‘park’ or ‘delay’ their critical safeguarding supervision due to pressures of work. Yet, these pressures are exactly why there is an even greater need for...

What added value can school nursing bring to integrated care systems?

‘School nursing services know only too well of the stark and widening health inequalities faced by our population with many giving much of their time over the summer to supporting access to health...

We owe it to ourselves to refill the empty cup

‘During the pandemic we have, whether personally and/or professionally, experienced some degree of trauma; in school nursing we have also lost many cherished colleagues…’ .

School nursing: What's in a name?

‘Unless we are in the conversation and helping others to best understand our unique role, and therefore relevant standards, we run the risk of these and any review not being accurate’ .

How will you raise your school nursing roar?

‘…we cannot and must not ignore the stark and unnaceptable inequalities highlighted during the pandemic. We need to utilise this learning, reflect, analyse and change our models of practice to...

Using every opportunity to vaccinate children

‘…school and public health nurses are using this as an opportunity to reflect and build on best practice.’ .

School nurses keep on shining during the pandemic

‘…we need to be bigger and bolder than that if we are to truly effect change and have the right workforce capacity with which to do it.’ .

Never more relevant, never more needed

‘Right now we need to amplify, celebrate and embrace our postgraduate public health nursing qualifications, experience, leadership, knowledge and skills and optimise its use; it has never been more...

Safely returning to school

‘…now, due to immeasurable pressures, [many children] will also have tragically suffered abuse and/or neglect during this period. We need, therefore, to assume that our children may not be in a good...

COVID-19: School nursing services and continuity of care

‘Critically, many school nursing services are well advanced in the use of technology and right now, when most children are at home and/or self-isolating, this is proving a lifeline for many… ’ .

My nursing story

‘I learnt and, importantly, now understood, that without addressing housing, employment, education, poverty, and yes, in the early 80s, still sanitation and clean water, the health of babies and...

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British Journal of Child Health provides clinical resources for children’s health and wellbeing. Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge to meet the public health needs of young people.

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